
July 12,2021 Marks an important day in South Sudan History, it’s the birth of the first ever Mobile Network Operator fully own by South Sudanese, those who thought of enhancing the telecom service in South Sudan for a better experience and tech, thus Digitel before being a business it’s our pride and a story to relate to and a journey to learn, one day soon we shall tell many generations to come about the existing and the establishment of this entity and also the impact and success Digitel going to achieve to change lives and experiences.

We proudly Junobia Network… and we have a long journey to accomplish many objectives for a better telecoms service in South Sudan, so Joint us in this Journey to tell your story later. 

Event Venue




Digitel Data center - Juba South Sudan


Event Expired

Event Expired

Event Info

  • Date

    12 Jul 2021
  • Time

    10:00AM - 12:00PM
  • 0 SSP
  • Category


Event Organizer

  • Name

    Digitel Holding Limited
  • Email

  • Phone

  • Website


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