
On 10th Dec 2021 Digitel paid courtesy visit to CCC (Confident Children out of Conflict) the purpose of the visit was to spared joy and happiness among the children. Digitel sponsored this orphans house to pay back to the community through supporting these children.

It was colorful and pleasing in the sense that you feel joy in the eyes of the children, they played, danced and had one-one contact with Digitel staff.

Thank you CCC for having received Digitel and thank you children for being our Friends.

Event Venue


Confident Children Orphanage


Juba South Sudan


Event Expired

Event Expired

Event Info

  • Date

    10 Dec 2021
  • Time

    10:00AM - 12:00PM
  • 0 SSP
  • Category


Event Organizer

  • Name

    Digitel Holding Limited
  • Email

  • Phone

  • Website


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